1. Check the colostrum quality using a refractometer
- Make sure the stage is clean before use
- Place 2 drops of colostrum as shown in diagram below
- Close the plastic cover, hold up to the light and read value through the eyepiece
- Value is read as the line between the blue and white sections
- Only colostrum with readings of >22% should be fed to calves
- Save colostrum (by preservation/freezing) from cows with high scores, scores may be improved by vaccinating cows.
- Clean stage with water and dry before next sample
IMPORTANT: 22% or higher is GOOD. 21% of less is POOR

2. Feed calves colostrum as soon after birth as possible
- By 12 hours old at the latest
- Pick calves up from paddocks twice daily or feed and mark in paddocks to ensure this can happen
3. Calves require a minimum of 10% of their bodyweight
- A 25kg calf requires a minimum of 2.5L good quality colostrum
- A 35kg calf requires a minimum of 3.5L good quality colostrum
- A 45kg calf requires a minimum of 4.5L good quality colostrum
* split feeds of >2L into separate feeds and give 2-4 hours apart